We Help Active Adults and Athletes Recover From Injury and Return to the Things They Enjoy Most Without Injection or Surgery

At Pinnacle Movement and Performance we love helping active adults and athletes recover from injury and return to the things they enjoy most without injections or surgery.

When pain and problems like low back, shoulder, hip, neck or knee pain occur, it’s tempting to think “it’ll go away if I just rest” or even pretend like it never happened…

Unfortunately, oftentimes the problem festers, slowly getting worse, impacting your lifestyle and disrupting your happiness.

Things like pain medications, injections, or other services like chiropractic, massage, or acupuncture may provide temporary relief…but then the symptoms return and you feel even more helpless.

Physical therapy, when done properly, not only gets rid of your pain, but also finds the root cause of the pain so your pain STAYS AWAY and so you can get back to your normal lifestyle.

We know you’re skeptical. Likely you’ve been to other healthcare practitioners in the past and nothing they’ve done has helped you or your problems.

We Understand.

If that sounds like you, you’re not alone. Most of our clients at Pinnacle Movement and Performance have often:

Do any of those sound like you?

If you relate, then we would love to help you by setting up a time for you to talk to one of our Physical Therapists here in South Florida to find out what can be done to hep you. If you’ve tried a lot of things already, that’s not a bad thing. In fact, it’s actually a good thing because we now know what DOESN’T work and are closer to finding out what WILL work for your problem.

Meet Our Team

Dr. Eric Otero

Dr. Vladimir Stojnic